Our Commitment

We are committed to holding true to our values, culture, and 'doing better when we know better'! Please feel free to email us at printconsciously@mail.com with any suggestions you may have.  And feel even more free to utilize any and all of our suppliers should they align with you!

While the exchange of goods for other goods and/or services has been around for a very long time (and mostly well functioning for the majority of that time), we have reached a point, some would argue since the industrial revolution, where our ecological taxing of our environment has far exceed its natural ability to continue to provide for ALL of its inhabitants in the beautifully flowing manner it has for far longer than humans have been here. 

We all, damn near ALL, have come accustomed to the conveniences that the colonized world has brought us, and even more so with what capitalism has  followed close behind with.  Sometimes making it very difficult not just to part ways with unsustainable practices but to actually identify many of them.

It's about time we broke FREE from that co-dependent and toxic relationship! THAT in and of itself is a rEVOLution; one we stand behind and along side.  We are taking small and very reasonable steps to refine the way we do business.  Join us, and take a few supported steps with us!

Check out our page The Broken System to learn how the screen printing and t-shirt industry has really played a very toxic and generally unsustainable role, then navigate over to Our Suppliers page to see who we are aligning with to address those issues, and last but not least, take a look at our Supported Causes to learn about where our 7% donations are going to support some intentionally selected non-profits in their efforts to address the harm we are doing to our Mother Earth and our fellow Humans!